Event: Commencement Rehearsal

« return to May, 2013

Date: Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Time: 10:30am to 11:00pm

Location: LHS Choir Room


Description: As we've done in past years, 3rd, 4th and 5th hours will continue working through the week on "The Prayer" "Star Spangled Banner," and "Alma Mater." I posted on the white board that there are rehearsals with seniors on Wed and Friday at 10:30 am. On Friday, 4th and 5th hour singers are also released to the choir room for the rehearsal.

So here's the deal ... anyone who feels confident with "The Prayer" keep practicing and we'll look forward to hearing you at rehearsals. And anyone who did NOT feel confident in singing "The Prayer" at the concert should certainly be working on it for memorization and dynamics even if you're a senior and you have been released from school. We all want your Commencement performance to be beautiful and I'm counting on you to know your stuff! Mrs. Stewart has asked that seniors NOT enter or be in any other part of the building. Therefore, seniors must enter at the outside entrance of the music hallway (across the yard from Mr. Kipp's physics room) and stay with me until we're finished with rehearsal. Our senior conductors are Emily Bamrick (Star Spanged Banner) and Walter Floyd (Alma Mater). They need you to be with us so they can rehearse their conduting!!! Mrs. Dicks will be in on Wed and Friday for the rehearsal as well. See you then!!