Event: Carillon Concert

« return to December, 2012

Date: Saturday, December 8, 2012

Time: 7:00pm to 9:00pm

Location: First Presbyterian Church of BLissfield

Address: Corner of N. Monroe St & Franklin Street
Blissfield, MI 49228

Description: We will meet at the school at 3:00 pm. Mr. and Mrs. Nevins will drive students from the school if parent rides are not available.
We are scheduled to gather at 4pm to rehearse at the church. Mrs. Nevins will prepare two soup choices and a large salad for us to eat a light meal at the church. We will need to be finished eating no later than 6:15 pm to clean-up from our meal, warm-up voices and gather ourselves before people start arriving. The concert is scheduled to begin at 7:00 pm. Parents are welcome to attend, but tickets are $10 each for adults and we are being paid to perform. If you have questions about an event, please remember that your lhschoirs.com calendar should be your first resource. Thank you, KNev